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Joining me from NY is Merch Cat founder Vanessa Ferrer. We discuss what tools the Merch Cat app provides artists, to succeed in their merch business, how Vanessa got her start and how that transitioned into working with artists, and eventually developing Merch Cat itself. Vanessa and I talk about the various technology challenges, what is important for bands to do to stay engaged with their fans, and she also shares her top tips for selling merch during the COVID-19 situation. Make sure you take plenty of notes during this episode, because there is a ton of awesome information!

Vanessa with Gary Clark Jr
Vanessa with Suz/The RockStar Advocate (Episode 41)

Merch Cat on the web – https://www.merchcat.com

Merch Cat on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/merchcat/

Merch Cat on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/merch_cat/

Vanessa on LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/vanessaaferrer/

Music in this episode by June Divided

Topics discussed in this episode : CD BabyVanessa’s Top Merch Tips | Merch Cat Fan App