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This time out I talk to realty show singing coach, Brianna Ruelas! We discover how Brianna started singing at young age, went to college for music, and got through to the top 100 on season 4 of American Idol. She gives us some tips on using TV talent shows as a tool to get your brand in front of the millions of viewers that watch the shows, and changing your mindset about the experience as a marketing tool, rather than a way to “make it”. Finally Brianna shares her experiences with burn out, how being in the restaurant industry taught Brianna about entrepreneurship, and how she became a best selling author and coach in the process.

Brianna Ruelas on the web – https://www.briannaruelasmusic.com/

Brianna Ruelas on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/briannaruelasmusic/

Brianna Ruelas on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/briannaruelasmusic/

Reality Signing Show Summit – https://www.realitysingingshowsummit.com

Make Reality TV Your Reality – https://www.briannaruelasmusic.com/books

Music from Jo James – https://www.jojamesmusic.com

Topics discussed in this episode : Survivor | Liz Lewis | Rockstar INXS | Richard Bona Video | Pepperdine University | Mickey Mouse Club | Pink | American Idol | Carrie Underwood | Latoya Cooper Episode 23 | Latoya Cooper Episode 70 | Ricky Duran | The Voice | America’s Got Talent | Claude McKnight | Victor Hugo’s | Megan Kuhar | Rockstar Life Planner | Suz Paulinski Episode 41 | Jen Sincero

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Please welcome our new sponsor Ignite Your Music Career!

You may remember in episode 90, I chatted to internationally acclaimed musician and educator Craig Dodge, about sync licensing and his course Ignite Your Music Career.

Ignite teaches you how to earn more royalties, up front sync fees, and recurring revenue from your music.

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